Thursday, May 3, 2012

Transition and Time Management

The transition from school-to-work full time happened.  Quickly.  Suddenly, all the "school stuff" was over, and the "work stuff" became priority.  Which is good.

I started this week thinking that there would be so much time to prepare for my practice presentation about the Detroit Center this week, before teaching two sessions at Enriching Scholarship next week, before my real presentation the following week (oh, and the other presentation at MLA Technology and Trends that week, too).  Somehow, 40 hours at work doesn't seem to be enough.  In fact, I did "home work" this week - practicing and adjusting presentations.

So my thoughts today revolve around those very ideas... transitioning from being busy all the time, to being busy at work, while trying to manage life and work.  Now, I don't need to be busy working all the time - and don't think I should be.  But I do need to transition to making the most of the time I am working, and learning to know what to prioritize over these next few weeks.

I imagine this issue will arise again in December when I graduate from the School of Education and (hopefully) transition into a full-time job.  Managing 12+ hours of classes, 20+ hours of work, homework, and life stuff is quite different than managing 40 hours of work and life stuff.  I've done it before, but I realized this morning that it's a different way of thinking and prioritizing.  I think part of it is that when there is far too much to do, I just do it.  When I have time to do other things (relax a bit?), I need to focus more on the time management part of my life.

So, here's to working through that the next couple of weeks - practically and mentally.  I need to realize that I shouldn't work all the time (as happened January-April), but I do need to consider how much I need to work on the important upcoming instruction sessions and presentations and how to manage that time.  Any tips are welcome :)

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