Monday, April 23, 2012

Reflections on an MSI Part 4: Now what?

Classes are over, final projects turned in, and graduation is on Friday.  So the question remains, now what?

And the answer is: plenty.  This should be an exciting summer with a great deal of work included.

Through May, I'll be preparing for my project presentation to the UM Library about my Detroit Center project, developing a presentation for the MLA Applied Technologies and Trends conference on May 18, and will be working on two workshops for Enriching Scholarship, happening the week of May 7.  I'll also be preparing to be a Google Guide as UM makes the transition to Google.

Later this summer, I'll teach some Word for Dissertation workshops, learn about collection development, and assist the education librarian with some work on instruction or research guides.  Additionally, I'll be updating some of the Knowledge Navigation Center's research guides, and working on a research project with my student colleagues about our roles as University Library Associates.  

So it will be a busy and productive summer with lots of presentations, conferences, and workshops.  I hope to see the culmination of the work I've done over the past 18 months coming to fruition this summer, where I can use what I've learned in both the classroom and on the job in a practical way.

School ended, but the work didn't - and I'm glad!

Side note, I'll now be blogging on Fridays, starting May 11 (next week will be Thursday).  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Reflections on an MSI Part 3: Institutional Knowledge & Processes

As the school year winds down, so does my time as treasurer of the School of Information Student Association (SISA).  I've not written much about this (with the exception of last week), but today seems like a good day to do so, since I had my last official SISA meeting.

This year, SISA encountered many situations in which we had to make decisions that may or may not have been made before.  But this year, we decided that documentation and processes were important to this organization - the official organization of SI.

We developed new policies and procedures for many things - student lounge decisions, treasury processes, t-shirt designs, booking rooms, elections - you name it.  We did so as to not allow new members in new years (which happens constantly in a student organization) to have to re-invent the wheel.

This is the lesson learned - not so much as part of the MSI directly - but a lesson learned from being part of a professional school's official organization.  And I can see how this lesson learned will be valuable as I move out of one position at the end of August and into a new one, whenever that happens.

In a large institution (and even in small institutions), there are many people who carry institutional knowledge - many times the same institutional knowledge as others within the organization.  It's very easy for this not to be passed along, or if it is passed along, its done so informally.  This creates a situation where people often deal with the same issues and have to figure these out on their own, when in fact they've been handled before.

This is why documentation and processes - of course always adaptable and editable, are critical.  Having policies and procedures in place allow organizations to move forward with other issues that are current and relevant, instead of focusing on situations that have previously been resolved.

So, this reflection - while prompted by my experience in SISA - is a lesson learned for the future in any organization in which I'm a part.  And I'm thankful for having worked with such a great group of people to help me learn this lesson.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mini Series Part 2: Reflections on an MSI

Last week, it finally hit me.  I'm GRADUATING later this month.  It hit when one of my Professors said, "we'll take some time at the end of class next week to fill out your course evaluations" and when I said, "yep, I'm graduating next mont... oh wait.  It's April.  I'm graduating this month."

So here it is, my attempt at reflections on my MSI.  Last Monday, I wrote about time and balance (which was weighing heavily at that time) and so this week, I'll write about something prevalent right now: extracurricular involvement.

At the end of my first year, I was asked to run for Treasurer of the School of Information Student Association (SISA).  After a bit of deliberation (partially due to my worry about the amount of time it would take :), I decided to run, and I was fortunate enough to win the election.  Little did I know at the time just how much of an impact this would have on my time at SI. 

Being a part of SISA has allowed me to meet new great people, network, and build my resume.  It's allowed me the chance to plan events (something I love to do), facilitate student involvement (something else I love to do), and gain administrative and budgetary skills.  My participation in SISA has been invaluable as I learned to work with fellow Officers, other SI students, SI administrators, and SI staff.

These are skills that would have been very difficult to obtain without extending my time at SI into an extracurricular activity.  So, here's a shout of encouragement to get involved when you can - it's about taking the opportunities that come and making the most of them.   Until next week...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mini Series Part 1: Reflections on an MSI

With less than four weeks until I graduate from the School of Information (SI), there is quite a bit to do.  So as I sat here today, considering what to write, my colleague Kelly (check out her blog here) suggested I do a mini series on reflections from the past 18 months of my Masters of Science Information.  Thanks, Kelly, for the practical and useful idea! 

I'll preface this by saying I cannot believe how fast this time went.  Anyone considering a degree, a large project, or something else that seems overwhelming, before turning an opportunity down, remember that this time flies by and it will be over before you know it.

That said, it is also incredible how much I've learned about "information," libraries, communities, and about myself during my time at SI.  I've learned about information overload, have been overloaded by information, and have learned that I can handle more than I ever thought possible.  I've learned that when I think I can't take on one more thing, that I actually can, and do. 

The lesson above is one that has culminated this semester: 15 credits, one large PT job, one small PT job, student association, volunteer events... it's been too much.  But it's a great lesson learned.  Prior to this term, I always said that my life needs to be balanced and that the grades/recognition/need to get ahead were not worth giving up things I enjoy doing such as yoga, seeing family and friends, or reading a book for pleasure.  Before this semester, I had been able to fit that all in while still completing things at a high level.  The past four months have been simply too much for me to handle, and while this has taken a toll on my sanity, it also helped me realize that it is not worth it to me to do everything related to work and volunteer commitments, and that most things will still get done without me (and that if they don't it's not going to be my fault). 

So, the first reflection and lesson learned: the need to find balance.  I'm sure I'll be working on this forever, but being cognizant of this need might be the first step.  Tune in next Monday for Reflections Part 2 of (TBD :).