And the answer is: plenty. This should be an exciting summer with a great deal of work included.
Through May, I'll be preparing for my project presentation to the UM Library about my Detroit Center project, developing a presentation for the MLA Applied Technologies and Trends conference on May 18, and will be working on two workshops for Enriching Scholarship, happening the week of May 7. I'll also be preparing to be a Google Guide as UM makes the transition to Google.
Later this summer, I'll teach some Word for Dissertation workshops, learn about collection development, and assist the education librarian with some work on instruction or research guides. Additionally, I'll be updating some of the Knowledge Navigation Center's research guides, and working on a research project with my student colleagues about our roles as University Library Associates.
So it will be a busy and productive summer with lots of presentations, conferences, and workshops. I hope to see the culmination of the work I've done over the past 18 months coming to fruition this summer, where I can use what I've learned in both the classroom and on the job in a practical way.
School ended, but the work didn't - and I'm glad!
Side note, I'll now be blogging on Fridays, starting May 11 (next week will be Thursday).