Finals time! The next couple of weeks will be dedicated to the final semester push to finish graduate school. It's hard to believe the end of the road is so near... five semesters of studying, paper writing, reading, and learning are about to culminate into a goal I set out to achieve three years ago.
Three years ago, in December 2009, I was studying for the GRE, transitioning jobs back to the UM library (while consulting for my previous employer), gathering letters of recommendation for my graduate school applications, filling out the applications, and writing numerous essays. I remember at the time feeling so much stress and pressure, because my future aspirations hinged on my acceptance to the University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI). My work then paid off, and I'm starting to feel the weight of the past three years of challenging and meaningful school work, paired with working in professional positions, lifting. It's starting to feel like I really will have fully accomplished the goals I set for myself.
People ask me what I'm going to do when I'm done - with those weekends and evenings free for taking care of "real life things" (and not having to squeeze them in when I can get to them) and whatever else I want. I want to concentrate on becoming great at the amazing job I have, do a lot more yoga, read books for pleasure (my book club will appreciate that I don't simply show up for the good company), indulge in the pile of US Weekly magazines that has grown tremendously since August (it's my guilty pleasure), learn to cook(?), and so much more.
But most of all, I'm excited to spend more time on the things that really matter... the friends and family whom I've barely seen and who have supported me so well over the past three years. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish my goals, and so while the time to relax and think will be nice, I can't wait to support them in their endeavors... or just enjoy spending time with them.
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