Finals season starts... now. In the next few weeks I'll be pulling together what I have learned over the past semester into papers, presentations, and one e-portfolio. While papers and presentations are one great way to show my learning over the term, the e-portfolio brings together reflections, goals, and my professional philosophy for my student affairs course.
e-Portfolio's are one way to help students synthesize what they've learned. It's an interesting final project for me because I already have a website, I have a blog (here :) and I have already thought about how I project myself and my work online. The e-portfolio brings in one other way to do that. The blog crosses both my Master of Science in Information degree, my work, and my higher education degree work. My website is more personal and is a showcase of my School of Information master's work, and the e-portfolio focuses on one student affairs class that I had this semester.
When I had my mentor review my e-portfolio, she brought up the question of whether I would be wanting to add to it and suggested I might start adding in things from my job. I think this is a great idea, and when school is over in a few weeks, I'll start to consider my online presence as solely a working professional (and no longer a formal student). Do I need a portfolio, a website and a blog (and work blogs?) (not to mention LinkedIn, my profile for work, and Facebook, and Twitter). Probably not, but the question will be how to tie all of my work over the past 2.5 years together. It's a fun thing to think about - and I wrote about the topic of being a professional online in December last year. As I think more about this, any thoughts about how you do this - maintain a presence online that is manageable and effective - are most welcome.
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