Sunday, October 7, 2012

Another blog posts about other blogs

In my new job, one of my goals is to have an active blog about admissions at the University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI).  As I've found in my personal blog (this) I need to set aside time each week in order to keep blogging a priority.

I admit it has been more difficult to do this at work, but the blogs for the Master of Science in Information admissions and PhD in Information admissions are up!  Check out them (and retired blogs) here and let us know what you think!

The plan is for me and UMSI's recruiting assistants to start blogging more regularly, so it would be great to know what our prospective students or current students (or alumni) would like to know (or would have liked to have known).  This is just one way we want to engage with prospective students to help them learn more about UMSI and allow them to discover if UMSI is the right fit for their graduate education.


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